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Constructing the Sacred by Elaine A. Sullivan
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ISBN 9781503603332 | DOI 10.21627/2020cts | OCLC 1141736332
Terms of Use
Sullivan, Elaine A. Constructing the Sacred: Visibility and Ritual Landscape at the Egyptian Necropolis at Saqqara, Redwood City: Stanford University Press 2020, http://doi.org/10.21627/2020cts
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Reprinted from Constructing the Sacred: Visibility and Ritual Landscape at the Egyptian Necropolis at Saqqara, Elaine A. Sullivan, http://constructingthesacred.org/ published by Stanford University Press (c) 2020 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Jr. University. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode
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After the archive versions were created, the following changes were made to the live project and are absent from this archive.
- Entry added to the Bibliography: Weiss, Lara. “New Evidence of Amenhotep II at Saqqara.” Saqqara Newsletter 13 (2015): 48–52.
- Text added to Space & Time: Note 148 (Note 148 on the page New Kingdom Elite Burials and Cult Emplacements [Southern Zone]): Note that in Lara Weiss, “New Evidence of Amenhotep II at Saqqara,” Saqqara Newsletter 13 (2015): 48–52, the stamped mud-bricks attributed by Lacher-Raschdorff to Horemheb were reassigned and dated to Amenhotep II. Additional examples of potentially parallel stamped bricks were discovered in a shaft in one of the New Kingdom temple tombs excavated by Weiss’s team. She suggests that both groups of bricks may have belonged to the same structure, built in the reign of Amenhotep II.